Boat Recycling

Boat Rehab & Recycle

It’s no mystery, boat’s require time, money, logistics / planning, and continual maintenance to name a few. Some of these needs are nothing more than nature running its course on your vessel. A boat that’s near seaworthy and doesn’t meet the criteria of dismantle may be a good candidate for recycle.

Boat Rehab & Recycling

This option requires quite a bit of work, in some cases more than dismantling a boat. New sails, new rigging, new electronics, new engines, national and international advertising just to start. If we believe your boat can be rehabbed, recycled, or find a new home; then we’ll make every attempt to make it happen. Give us a call to ask about boat recycling the entire boat!

Boat Rehab

Identifying what it’s going to take to make the vessel seaworthy, accessing the location and logistical demands of the vessel are all initial actions taken during the first phase of boat rehab with Boat Remover. New sails, rigging, part orders, and mechanical work are some of the scenarios presented in a boat rehab.

Boat Recycling

When boat rehab isn’t a feasible option, recycling different parts of a vessel, and working alongside salvage yards are another way we utilize the boats resources and waste less. Boat recycling play’s an important role in our overall mission. Sails, engine parts, and rigging are useful to others in the boating community.

Contact Us

Email Us Directly: [email protected]

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(800) 851-7410

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Boat Removal Gallery

Visit the Gallery of Junk Boats, Recycled for Parts Boats.

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