Junk Boat Removal
Whether your junk boat is on land or sea we can remove, dismantle, or recycle it.
Junk Boat Removal from Land
We remove junk boats, cracked hull boats, inoperable engine boats, trailer broken – tires blown out, can’t afford the marina anymore boats, tired of maintenance boats, ripped sails, completely irreparable junk boats from just about any marina, backyard, side yard, or front yard.
Junk Boat Removal from Water.
We remove taking on water boats, slow leak boats, only leak when it’s raining boats, cracked bilge boats, cracked intake boats, broken toilet boats, soft and spongy topside boats and just about any array of junk boat you need removed from the Gulf, Atlantic, Pacific, Caribbean or Michigan Lakes. Intercoastal waterways, oceans, rivers, or lakes.

Contact Us
Email Us Directly: [email protected]
Get on the Schedule by Phone
Get on the Schedule Online
For coastal dispatch locations please visit: Locations.
Boat Removal Gallery
Visit the Gallery of Junk Boats, Recycled for Parts Boats.